L'Arbre de Noe

This book features a pocket of 10 full-size new sampler charts along with associated alphabets and numerals, as well as details about the individual designs.

The first imprint is published in French but this should not prevent any non-French speaking needle worker from sewing the samplers.  It is expected that an English language version will be available soon.

This book is available for purchase via the internet.  Full details are given below including links to internet stockists.

Publisher:  MARABOUT http://www.marabout.com/
Hachette Livre, Department Marabout, 43 Quai de Grenelle, 75905 Paris, France
Tel:  00 33 1 43 92 3000
Price: 19,90 euros
ISBN: 978-2-501-07411-7
Publication date: 3rd November 2011

Buy now from the following stockists:




  1. I have this book and I LOVE it. There are so many beautiful patterns in it. Maybe one day, you will do another one! :-)

    1. Ginger, any chance you would share the patterns in the book?

  2. Will it be sold amazon us soon

  3. I would love to find a source for this book in the US. I saw that Amazon in France still has a few, but they won't ship to the US.

  4. Any idea when this might get printed for the US?

  5. Would love this in the English version

  6. I'm with everyone else. When will this amazingly gorgeous book be available in English and in the US? Sign me up!!!

  7. Julia - I am also trying to find this book. Please let us know when it will be available ANYWHERE! :)

  8. checking everywhere for this book and can't find it....anyone know any seller offering this book?

  9. I would also like a copy of this book or the chart for the Selhurst Sampler. Any chance of getting one or the other?

  10. Zlatina Mincheva17 May 2016 at 00:55

    Is there any chance you will offer these charts for purchase as pdf files? Thank you!

  11. Is this available as English and/or PDF ?

  12. Hope there will be an English version or at least a reprint!

  13. Is there any chance at all that this could be released in English, is it tied up legally ? Would like to do ALL 10 designs, am sure there are many others like me out there. Thank you for the new castles design, so pretty.

  14. Please, Please, Please print English copy, or reprint....

  15. I am looking for the chart for the Selhurst Sampler, but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere. Any chance of buying a pdf chart of it?

  16. I too would love a copy of this book. Please publish it again.

  17. Lesley Brydone23 May 2017 at 04:28

    Can you please tell me if you are going to publish L'arbre de Noé et autres tableaux au point de croix again as I would just love to own a copy

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Yes! please print again! from Japan.

  20. I'll add my wish for this beautiful book. I've looked for it everywhere ----- and I'll continue looking until I find one to buy.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.
