
Thursday 19 June 2014

Happiness is ......

...... an e-mail.
"Well, she's easily pleased." I hear you cry.
Au contraire mes amies,
this was not just any old e-mail
it was a missive with - an attachment!
I think that's just about the right amount of suspense
built up so no need for a drum roll of this occasion.
Would you like to know what was attached?
Here goes ......
Julie W. (I cannot reveal her full identity for fear that
she will be head hunted by talent spotters from the
Aubusson Tapestry Factory in deepest France - they're quite ruthless)
very kindly sent me this photo of her handiwork.
Not content with slogging through Plight of Fancy for her
own consumption she then went on to create this
gorgeous little make-up bag for a friend using the
Florentine border as a template.
Greater love hath no woman than to wield her
needle for a copine (that's French for chum). 
If you want to know more about how to make a bag like this
then follow the link to Flossie Cupcakes blog
and you'll find everything and more than you need.
Bravo Julie, sticky jam doughnuts all round except
for Claire who's on a diet and mustn't inhale.
As for the rest of you - be inspired,
leave the rails and stitch something bizarre,
start a pin cushion group, mix your colours,
take a walk on the wild side.
But whatever you chose - send me your photo's,
I have column inches to fill!
PS  Happiness is also a warm Long Dog ....
.... you'll do nicely.