
Thursday 8 May 2014

I've been away for a few days .......

Door to door transport ........

The speedo reach Warp 6 this trip.
Room service .......

Cordon Noire if I'm not mistaken.

Lots to see and do .......

Some very unusual treatments on offer in the beauty salon.
..... and, some truly inspirational people to chat to.

Some mornings the queue for the bathroom could stretch right down the corridor.
I met an amazing woman in her seventies who, in the course of her cancer
treatment, had her tongue reconstructed, hadn't eaten for three
years and was fed through her stomach yet she still looked
after her young grandson two days a week and regularly
cycled to the shops.
My path crossed with another sweet soul of ninety one who worked
on spitfires during the war and the tales she told of
being a teenager in London during the blitz would make your hair curl.
Especially when sleeping down the underground during an air raid.
Another poor, suffering lady with major stomach problems
was required to keep a "poo chart" and had I not met her I would
not be the "expert" on the subject that I have now become.
However, all good things must come to an end so .....
...... sod it, I'm away home!  Don't worry, I can still walk.


  1. I hope that everything is ok! Hugs!

  2. Thanks for the update, hope you feel better soon.

  3. OMG! I do hope you are all right. I check your blog often and worry when you haven't updated.

  4. Dear Friend, I think of you often, of your courage, your humility and the wicked wit with which you bewitch.
    Spring has finally come to this northern wilderness-- ephemeral trout lily, ramp, and a rather large clump of green promising a bevy of naked ladies in late summer.
    Best witches, Julia, and prayers too. Zitella

    1. I think I'd prefer incantations if you can manage it please. J.

  5. All four humors? Z.
