
Friday 9 May 2014

A warning .....

..... for those of you of a nervous disposition ...
That was very silly Julia, behave yourself.
No, the warning is of bad language (the "F" word), flashing images,
pictures of parrots, childish jokes, blow up's of hippo's.
Cillian Murphy wearing a cap and Nigella
wrestling naked in a vat of chocolate.

Well you were warned!

What I just wanted to draw to your attention is that 10th May
is World Lupus Day.  I shall probably "celebrate" it flat on
my back in bed where I seem to have been for ages now as I'm
in the middle of a flare. 

Wear purple, spitting not compulsory though.

There's loads of information (and gruesome pictures, if you're that
way inclined) on the web.  It's not widely spoken of but
there's loads of poor sods like me around the world trying
to do our best to cope with this truly horrible affliction.

I make no apologies for this, you were warned and it makes me laugh.

Not much to add really except perhaps the following picture which
doesn't make me laugh but does have an alarming effect upon my knees ....

Do you need a light mate?

Oh! yes, yes she cried ..... it's Cillian Murphy in a cap.
Consider yourselves lucky I spared you the one of Nigella!


  1. Just a fellow follower sending commiserations, and a thank you for the nudge to find out about Lupus. I do hope your flare settles quickley and that you are being well looked after. Your blog is wonderful. All the best, kate.

  2. Hey Julia - sorry to hear about your flare up! Keep up the hilarious blogging! Auto immune conditions suck!

  3. So sorry about your affliction. I have seen Lupus at its worst when working in the hospital many years ago. I put it right up there with bone cancer as one of the things I don't think I could live with. Take care.

    And thank you so much for your blog. You make me laugh, you inspire me, and your dogs awe me.
