
Saturday 22 June 2013

What's in a name .....

.... that which we call a cherry by any other name would taste as sweet - to misquote the Bard, sorry Will but "rose" just doesn't fit the bill when you have a new design called "Les Cerises" about to be launched in a weeks' time.

Go on, try one before the birds get the lot.  The cherries here at the Chateau are almost ripe and it's going to be a race between Geordie, Mouche, the pigeons and me as to who gets to them first.  It's a foregone conclusion I'm afraid because I was born with very sharp elbows to match my tongue.

Meanwhile to continue giving old Shakespeare a hammering "to tease perchance to dream" here's today's first snippet.  I bet you'll all be glad when next week comes and you won't have to put up with any more of my childish nonesense for another few months.
Let's face it, you're not getting any closer to guessing what the finished design looks like, are you?  What's that Alice, you have an idea.  I should look after it well if I were you because not many of them seem to drift your way of late do they?  See what I meant about the tongue!
Perhaps we should come at this from a different angle.  Let's try a few statistics to set your heads in a spin and your hearts leaping with anticipation.  I know size isn't everything (yes, that onld chestnut again) but we have to start somewhere, Les Cerises is 198 x 288 stitches.  Admittedly not one of the biggest Long Dog's on the block but certainly nicely proportioned for a little light holiday stitching.
It's pretty colourful too (despite the black) and all in all there are twenty colours involved with a Gentle Art conversion included for those of you who find good old DMC just a little too predictable for their taste.  Go on, walk on the wild side and mix your dye lots - I double dare you.  Didn't you just know that Camilla would rise to that one
Oh! how nice, are these for me - you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble when you know I prefer chocolates.  That's it, show over for today.  Did anyone spot the naughty little motif that's the odd one out which I slipped in from another design.  Don't all e-mail at once 'cos there no prize on offer for the first correct answer.  So ladies and officers of the 5th Hussars currently on manoeuvres close by, next week it really will be show and tell time.  Don't be late, bring a friend and be prepared to be seduced by a dazzling, darling design of Long Doggy delightfulness comme d'habitude.


  1. I love your designs. Working on Hare Apparent right now :)
    I cannot wait to see this one.
    Also this is the very first blog I have EVER posted on. Feel honored and hope it works.

  2. I think the answer you are after is Kells Kritters?

  3. Well done Louise, I can always rely on you.

  4. I'm not obsessed, really I'm not.
