
Friday 28 June 2013

Time to get a bit fruity .......

..... if you get my drift. The brand spanking new Long Dog Samplers design called  Les Cerises is officially launched today so I expect you'll be wanting to see what it looks like.  All in good time ..

... because first of all I want to show you how lovely my poppies are looking this year despite all the howling gales and heavy downpours we've been experiencing here at the Chateau.
And, what's more, my secret sundial that I made out of an old tree stump refuses to function because of the apalling weather consequently I've no idea what time it is when I'm out in the grounds.
Here it is, picture 007 on my computer so it's licenced to thrill!  I seem to have cut the edges off as usual so here's a computer image too for good measure.
Now, quick as you like follow this link over onto the Long Dog site
where you'll find all the intricate little details you do so love to chew over and then in one, impulsive leap order your copy immediately just in time for your summer holidays or whatever it is you Australians get up to this at time of year.  You know it makes sense so - ready, steady, sew.
In the meantime I shall just keep slogging away at this little beauty, with the same old needle Louise, so that it will be ready for your delight just as the blackberries burst forth in the hedgerows once again.  Could that be a clue - I wonder?  Incidentally this picture has been out there on Pinterest to tantalise you for a while now.  I shall be speaking to you about your lack of attention next time we chat and some of you may even be sent to stand in the naughty corner to repent of your ways.  I said that in my stern voice which I coupled with a wry twist of the mouth so that you can't really tell if I'm joking or not!


  1. YAY!!
    This is amazing Julia!!! I love all the colours. So pretty. I cant wait to get this pattern...
    HA MUM I'm the first to see it! lol.

    Naomi xx

  2. Well what a beauty and well worth the wait. And yes Julia, I did spot that photo on Pinterest the other day but was hesitant to mention as I didn't want you to think I am stalking you on your various pages haha. Well am going over to my email now and really hope the invoice is there so I can get it right NOW.

  3. WOW! What a stunner! I will have to get this one right away!! laura

  4. Ok, I've ordered this from an European Cross Stitch here in the US. I have a question though -- did you stitch the model in DMC or GAST? I was confused by what you said here versus what I think I read elsewhere.... Thanks!
