

Flemish Giant

See that little Pinterest button just there on the right, no that's left Mary-Sue, have a click.  You're just one mouse wiggle away from instant addiction.  Well that's how it was for me the first time but there again I'm easily amuse these days.  It may come as no surprise for you to hear that I'm looking for more followers there too!  How about it?
Tyler's Lion over the fireplace in my kitchen.

Opus II done in all sorts of odds and sods found lurking at the bottom of my needlework basket.  I quite like it in colour and no one else will have another quite the same.  Well, that's the general idea.

Good old St Georges seen here under the stairs in my old cottage in Norfolk.  I've added all sorts of beads although you'd never tell from this angle
Mrs C's huge Mouline Rouge which was worked in various thicknesses of thread which gives a very interesting dimension to the design.  Nice one Mrs C!
Bit of cheating going on here.  It's Bhyr Deeze pretending to get it's last stitches but it was more a case of here's one I finished earlier.  How very naughty of me.
This is a special commission called "The Cassidy Cat's Home".  It made a change to do something like this as for both the house and the cats I was working from photos.  I've just noticed the date - it seemed like only yesterday.  How time flies.
Here's a particularly horrible version of Scarlet Ribands.  I'm allowed to say that because I was the culprit.  I can't imagine whatever possessed me to chose such a colour although thinking back I was probably being mean and trying to use up some of the material in my stash.  Frugality is not always a good idea especially when you think how long it takes to stitch up something this size.
This design is only available through Greyhound Rescue West of England.  You can visit their website via this link .  All proceeds go to help the greys.  This charity does a marvellous job and needs every penny to help these beautiful creature, they deserve your support.
Geordie, someone may be visiting this page, a little decorum please.  He gets in everywhere given half a chance.  Now back to the matter in hand .....
... that's better - Opus Magnusson.  This is one great beast of a design and certainly not for the faint hearted or part-time stitcher.  It demands commitment, not to mention a great deal of time too!  But I think you might agree that it's well worth the effort.


  1. Funny, my schnauzers think they're big dogs in small bodies. Your babes seem to think they're small pups in big bodies! Love your dogs. And Mouche on other page has such a sweet face!

    Glad to see you active on lone!

  2. Oh and I like your patterns, too!

  3. I love the colourful pattern Opus II. But I can not find the pattern on the internet. Can you tell me where to buy or help me find it? Kind regards, Christy - The Netherlands ��

    1. Hello Christy. Opus II costs £8.10 and you can buy it direct from me as a pdf to print out yourself. Drop me an email to if you would like to order it. Payment is via PayPal invoice and if you don't have an account with them yourself they will accept credit/debit cards too.

  4. Absolutely love your stuff. Am SO tempted to buy more than I can finish in one lifetime!

  5. Привет из России!
    Какая красота!!!! Восхищаюсь Вами и Вашими работами!
    Мечтаю вышить что-то подобное. Вы вдохновитель )

    Hello from Russia!
    What a beauty!!!! I admire you and your works!
    I dream of embroidering something like that. You are the inspiration)
