
Friday 19 May 2017

For your information

All my worldly goods, and a few slightly dodgey items too,
are now packed tightly into some old cardboard boxes awaiting 
transportation next Monday morning (22nd May) to a new address.

I've moved several times in the last few years and I think
that if I whistled loudly enough everything would jump into boxes
without any help from me at all now.  So it will be goodbye
Lock-Up and hello Castle Long Dog.  I don't ever want to move again.

The reason for telling you all this is that I'm about to lose my internet
connection at the Lock-Up any time now and the new one won't
be installed at the Castle until 30th May for some reason better
known to the engineers who will be running the miles of cable
across the moat.  

All this means that if you're trying to email me for any reason
I won't be able to reply or even pick them up in the interim
so please bear with me, try to be patient and I will get back to
you eventually - I promise.


  1. Best wishes for your move. Hope you will find happiness in your new abode.

  2. Hope your move goes smoothly. Hope the new home provides wonderful never ending inspiration for you.

  3. Good luck with the move to the 'castle ' :)

    I missed the move to the Lockup (that's an interesting name! ).

    I just received my Death by Cross Stitch, but haven't mapped out my approach. I'm thinking multi-color at this time (lots of samplers that are quilted together.

    M in NC (USA)

  4. Hope the move goes well so that all the bits and pieces arrive in good shape. I've missed your posts! Be well.

