
Saturday 19 November 2016

Castles in the Air

Come closer - I want to whisper.
There's a new Long Dog out today and if I say it any
louder tens of thousands of people might get injured
in the ensuing panic buying that is sure to occur.

It's called Castles in the Air.
Why?  Because there's loads of castles and they're
all in an elevated position.

But it's not exclusively about castles.  There's flowers,
grassy knolls, tiny flowers, butterflies and even an
ickle wickle spider too.

Now we're starting to get the bigger picture even if it is a bit
crumpled because I never bother to iron anything.
The stag was a bit camera shy but I managed to capture
most of him before he leaped out of view.

And here's little Bill again.  Some of you may remember
his last adventure when he was bobbing about in a rowing boat
all at sea.  This time he and his brother Alan (who's in a
castle on the other side of this piece) are standing their ground
against hostile crested woodpeckers which are far worse than
aphids, fighting off giant squirrels who are after his nuts and
keeping an eye on a blackwork elephant which has mysteriously
appeared on the scene.  It's all happening.

But I've kept you waiting quite long enough and this is what the
glorious Castles in the Air looks like when all stitched up and
ready for a trip to the framers.

This major work of art, which is much praised in woodworking
circles, is 209 x 285 stitches in circumference and is priced at
£16.20 so hurry and get a copy before the pound sterling begins
to rally again.  

Paper copies are available at all good LNS's globally and far across
the galaxy too and if you're an impatient little imp downloadable
pdf copies are available simply by writing a nice email to:

I shall be hanging about waiting for you to drop by
just like the aforementioned ickle wickle spider
but with more legs and much scarier.


  1. Was wondering what you had been up to in your blogging absence - now I see. Another jewel (Julia)!

    1. I've been up to all sorts Julie most of which is legal and a great deal of which has been centered around my allotment during the summer months. I do love working outdoors.

  2. I am so glad to see that you came back to us.You came bearing gift. The most amazing gift, thank you.I am in total awe with your designs,I do not have the words to describe the beauty that I see and feel when I look at what you give the world.

    1. I never went away Wenda it's just that I haven't been in blogging mode much lately but I'm sure that will change at some point. Thank you for your kind words about my work, I found them rather humbling.

  3. Another beauty! This ha been a fun year for patterns from you!

  4. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas. I do miss the doors. Hope all is going well with you and all your loved ones for this holiday seasons and the best in the New Year.

  5. Happy New Year! I am looking forward to new samplers in 2017!!
