
Tuesday 24 May 2016

This and that ......

Where to begin, what to tell you - today I really have no idea.
I've been writing this blog since 2012 during which time I have
written 527 separate offerings ranging in subject from my flight
from France, life with my much missed long dogs Geordie and
Mouche, strange French customs and new designs to
English churches, talented craftsmen and women and life's
general buggerations which visit themselves upon me with
boring regularity.

This is the "lock-up" and the place which I currently call home.
Admittedly not so grand as Chateau Long Dog but sometimes small
can be good - less housework, less room to lose things and a good
reason to only keep those things that you truly treasure.

The countryside around here is beautiful and very varied.
Within fifteen minutes you can go from walking beside the sea
on a pebble beach, to wandering the marshes in all their
windswept desolation, to dappled bluebell woods full of
heady perfume and the hum of insects.  Not to mention the
odd midge bite or two as well.

My allotment is my pride and joy and as you can see
from the photo I have already put my mange tout peas to bed.
I even tucked them in and have promised to read them the tale
of the Princess and the Pea when they get a little older.

Fairhaven Water Gardens are just ten minutes down the
road from the Lock-Up and are where I take myself off to
when I want to daydream and forget about the world.
They're Norfolk's answer to the Everglades without the crocs.

This is Astrid my friends black lab and just one of the many
local dogs I have come to rely upon when in desperate need
of a big wet kiss and a bit of a cuddle.

Mr & Mrs Mallard who trashed my pond last year popped back
to say hello recently but thankfully they didn't stay for long and
they seem to have learned some garden manners since their last visit.

And that's about it really.
I shall try to come up with something rather more cerebral for
my next offering and - don't forget - there's an enormous
new 20th anniversary Long Dog getting itself ready for rehoming next month.
I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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