
Saturday 23 January 2016

A new year - a new design

And what a year it's going to be.
2016 isn't just any old year you know because
this summer Long Dog Samplers will be celebrating
twenty glorious, stitch filled years of designs each
one more dazzling and death defying than the last.

Each one stuffed full of colours, backstitches, 
cross stitches, happy stitches, Julia being really silly
stitches and the odd carnation and chick-a-birdie too
for good measure but also to fill in the spaces where
nothing else would fit.  See - my secret is out!

This new design is just the first of many projects scheduled
for release at intervals throughout the coming year with
the real "piece de resistance", the "Long Dog to end all
Long Dogs" (with a price to match) due to hit the road
running (because that's what Long Dogs do best)
this coming summer on our birthday.  You
have been warned so start saving your pennies now!

But to the business in hand, it is with glee and delight
that I give you the first flash of Band of Braves.

I really ought to iron these first but I hate ironing!

Band of Braves is heavily influenced by Native American
symbols and colours.  It measures 154 x 312 stitches in its moccasins,
is stitched throughout in DMC threads and the ransome
demanded on this occasion is £12.60 or a nugget of gold.

Now hurry up and buy yourself a copy before I go on the
warpath and send out a posse to bring you all in.

I'll be waiting for you!  Darn tootin' I will.
You will notice that I have refrained from adding
"yeehah" but the temptation was enormous.


  1. Once again, you hit a home run! I may never get caught up with all the patterns!!!!

  2. This is gorgeous! You never fail to surpass!
