
Saturday 14 November 2015


Well I seem to have gone all long and sideways on you
with this new design which makes a pleasant change
from portrait and gives a chance to use up some of those
odd shaped pieces of material that we all tend to
hang on to in case they might come in use one day.
That day has come!

This proud, trembling beauty (either that or I've got the
shakes again) rejoices in the name of R-kade.
It's at this point that I shall cut you off at the pass
so to speak if you just happen to be in a Western film
with John Wayne et al, and if you don't then I'll
just explain the title thus avoiding small outbursts of
emails demanding an explanation.

You'll need to put on your wet weather gear and take
yourself off into the middle of a field somewhere so that
you can view the picture from a distance.  

Can you still hear me?  Good then I'm going to shout out
to you the dictionary definition of the word "arcade" and
then the penny should drop.  "A series of arches supported
by columns, piers or pillars, either freestanding or attached
to a wall to form a gallery."  I should like to think that everyone,
with the possible exception of Alice, now knows where
I'm coming from and even she should twig when she's
stitched the first few pages of the chart.

Now I must face the music because that's bound to be the next
question I get asked.  The words come from 
one of my favourite songs - Come by the Hills.  The lyrics
were written by Gordon Smith to be sung to the great Irish
air Buachaill On Eirne.  The are several versions on YouTube
if you want to hear it for yourself and if you already know it
sing along now with me:

Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the lochs meet the sea,
Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun
Ah, the cares of tomorrow can wait 'til this day is done.

Now enough fannying about.  This incredibly, wonderfully,
georgous, irresistable piece measures 433 x 208, will cost
you a modest £18.00 (or an immodest 18 nude pounds sterling)
is called R-kade, as already mentioned, and can be obtained
direct from me as a pdf download or from all good
local needlework shops globally and throughout the cosmos
with the exception of Neptune where no one is into cross stitch! 

Phew - after all that I hope you like it.


  1. Oh Julia, every time I see one of your designs - and fall in love, of course, I bemoan the fact that I didn't think of it first! Most wonderful design ever!

  2. Another fabulous design. I might be able to get to this on in 2017! I still have Do Different to finish and Quilted Bees to do! (But by all means, please keep rolling them out from the lock down!)

  3. Gorgeous - as always. Love, love, love!!!!

  4. I am going to have this, as soon as I can get the bank to unblock my PayPal account. Said they did it for security reasons,I think they did it to keep me from ordering charts!!!

  5. I am going to have this, as soon as I can get the bank to unblock my PayPal account. Said they did it for security reasons,I think they did it to keep me from ordering charts!!!
