
Monday 21 September 2015

With love from me to me!

Every so often I like to buy myself a little pressie as a
manifestation of my appreciation of me, of course.

My latest gift arrived this morning in record quick time
having only been ordered on line yesterday around elevensies.
I hastily tore off the packing and duly expressed genuine delight
to myself (if not actual surprise) at receiving such a
desirable little object.

It came from the Pilgrim Shop in Little Walsingham, Norfolk.
Have a look at their site, particularly the Pilgrim Badges,
and treat yourself why don't you? 

I love buying for myself and always seem to be able to
come up with exactly what I was wishing for every time.
It's quite uncanny.

Forgive me for breaking into "sampler speak" here because these
words fit the bill precisely.  No Alice dear, it's not the one that
goes: "May I govern my passion with absolute sway and grow wiser
and better as life wears away."  Sod all that stuff, my passion can
rage all it likes and I intend to get naughtier as my wrinkles continue
to develop wrinkles of their own.  I'm up to third generation already
and it's still only September.  The short little phrase I was thinking 
of goes thus:  "The gift  is small but love is all."

Apologies for the crumbs on the carpet.  Tut, tut.

Perfik, something greyhoundie and for those who know a thing
or two about running dogs, ever so slightly jokey too.
Greys hunt by sight and not smell which means so long as the
hare keeps tucked in uder the dog he'll be safe.
I make that one up to the hare, don't you?

Modelled by Cirrus.

Good job I've only recently bought myself a new waterproof
country hat to go with my waxed jacket because it's the
perfect place to pin my token.

The Token

Talking of which, Long Dog's "The Token" is still as beautiful
as ever and a nice quick late summer stitch which could so easily
be yours just by clicking on the link below and saying pretty please.
But make sure you stand where I can see you as I too
hunt by sight!


  1. I stitched The Token years ago and how i love it. I did it in red, of course, with our initials and wedding date. Thank you for designing this beauty, Jools.


  2. Replies
    1. If you're seriously wanting to order The Token can you email me using the link please. J.

  3. I thought it was a give away!!! My mistake. I have a few of your designs and love them. Just started following your blog.

    1. You'll soon get used to my subliminal advertising and sneaky sales techniques. It gets even worse on the run up to Christmas so watch out.
