
Wednesday 9 September 2015

Go on, ask me.

What do you want for Christmas this year Julia?
I thought you'd never ask.
I should like a litter of Lorraine Corrigan
dogs please.

I must just make one thing clear.
A Lorraine Corrigan is not a new breed of
living, breathing hound yet to be trotted round the
show ring at Crufts, but a hound none the less.

LC's, as I shall now refer to them, not Elsie's Alice dear,
are quite simply this year's must have stocking filler.
And you should see the size of my stockings -
they're honorary grain sacks.

Sweet little Lorraine (sorry, I went a bit Country
& Western on you there) creates sighthound figuerines
from nothing more than wire and old book pages
which somehow come alive under her magic touch.

I want one, I want one, I want three
or I shall scream until I am sick!

LC trades under the name of Hounds of Bath and
her love of running dogs shines through in her beautiful
creations.  I can't believe that they only take about
twelve hours apiece to complete.

Sod this, I can't wait until the festive season.
Christmas may come early for this impatient
Long Dog woman.  Let's click on the link and do
something about it:

A Lorraine Corrigan is for life not just for Christmas!

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