Sunday, 14 December 2014

Door Fifteen

We're over half way through the advent countdown to
Christmas.  I wonder how many of you are still
with me?
What startled it?  Why all those thousands of Long Dog
stitchers who keep coming up and knocking
eager to see what excitement is hidden behind it's
bland exterior.
It's the Fortnum & Mason's wagon delivering hampers to one and
one (including HMTQ and many of the other royals who've
given the staff time off over the festivities and want to make
sure there's something to nibble at while they watch
Granny's speech on the box).
but I'm sure the design I'm working on right now
entitled 1001 Corgis might just sway it in my favour.
Continuing with the "royal" theme, todays must have is
Hare Apparent (or Charlie Boy as it's sometimes known
and not just because of the big ears.)
Very affordable at 9 euros apiece.
Put on your robes of state and form an orderly queue please.

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