
Friday 8 August 2014

Now not many people know that ......

.... to half inch the Michael Caine quote which he always denies saying.
The 9th of August is an august date and, you guessed,
I'm going to tell you why.
Purely and simply because I couldn't come up with
anything else for your delight and delictation today.

Leaning tower of pizzas!
 In 1173 construction of the Tower of Pisa began
and took two years to complete and they
still managed to get it on the piss.
Staying with the Italians, but fast forwarding
a couple of centuries. in 1483 the Sistine Chapel
in the Vatican was officially opened by some
scruffy geezer in a hat with a feather.

  Now this one will make your jaws drop -
in 1803 the very first horses arrived in Hawaii.
Aloha, welcome to you and please don't eat the lei.


As for august personages the only one I'd ever
heard of was Betty Boop and she's a cartoon character.

I promise to do better next time.

Love & kisses - Julia

xxxxx porridge xxxxxx cornflakes xxxxxx rice crispies xxxxx
(I'm a cereal kisser!)

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