
Saturday 30 August 2014

It's only a matter of time .......

..... before police catch up with the culprit.
Sales of these ready-to-go giant cross stitches have
rocketed recently.  They're widely available on the net
with Amazon usually the first point of call for
would be "wall stitchers".
And, generally speaking, most people decorate their
homes whilst still managing to stay within the
bounds of good taste and common decency.
Sweet dreams S & E (thank goodness it wasn't S & M).
I particularly like the simplicity of this unknown designer
who's urge to be creative has obviously, finally driven
them completely up the wall.
And then there are the mavericks!
Come on now.  Own up.  Who did this?
You've been caught on camera and it's only a
matter of time before a SWAT squad comes
pounding at your door!
Suzie, you've got a shirt like that haven't you?

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