
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Learn from my mistakes!

Long, long, long dog ago when the world was young,
Adam was still a boy
and I was still in short knickers
(these days I simply don't bother - it's so liberating to feel the breeze)
a stunning, breath-takingly beautiful design was born
called ........ Scarlet Ribands.
Some of you are probably even old enough to remember it
or possibly still struggling on trying to get it finished.

Just as I had imagined it.
It was born during my "red phase" shortly after Mouline Rouge and
The Token and just before Bois le Duc.

So what did I do?
I decided to stitch it up in DMC B5200 Brilliant White
on a Terra Cotta Aida.

I've always been canny with my money and as I didn't have any white
material instantly to hand I thought I'd be frugal and go
with what I had.  OK so this is a nice way of saying I'm mean.
I knew instantly that this was a grave error of judgement on my part
but did I stop?  Did I hell!
On and on I stitched like a thing demented while my tea went cold
and my G&T grew warm, with every new stitch compounding
my felony until it lay finished on my knees and my fingers ached
from sheer exhaustion.  (I get a bit dramatic at times - sorry).
I want you to know - love doesn't always conquer all and
I still can't stand looking at it to this day!  Yeuk!!!!
What's that Suzie, you did yours on Terra Cotta too - ooops.

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