
Friday 25 April 2014

The wheel of fortune is turning again ....

...... things are in motion and my life is on the change once more.
From my favourite Crowley tarot deck.
I've just come back from a quick trip to France.
Chateau Long Dog is now officially up for sale,
the servants have been given notice and the peasants
who live on the estate will just have to wait and
see who becomes their new master.
The Long Dogmobile (van) is also at a local garage
awaiting a purchaser and my goods and chattels are
boxed up all ready to go.
Au revoir France - hello Blightey!
Felthorpe village sign
My official residence is now the tiny village (population 710 + 1)
of Felthorpe in the fair county of Norfolk.
The two women in the chaise drawn by a black horse
on the village sign are Anna Sewell
(of Black Beauty fame) and her mother Mary who originated from
here.  Church Farm to be precise, which was Anna's childhood home.
The broadband round here's pretty slow!

Castle Long Dog (the country seat of my son and his family) is where I too
now rest my head for the foreseeable future and is situated on the
far left in the picture above and believe me not much has changed
since it was taken at the turn of the century before last.
My e-mail address remains the same and I can still be reached at: never fear!

Ye olde village pub.

 We have no shops, occasional buses, parts of St Margaret's
Church date back to the 14th century (to be investigated later)
and a village pub imaginatively called "The Mariner's Arms".
Considering how far we are from the sea it would perhaps be
better named "The Legless Mariners"
Its karaoke night tonight - any last requests?

Two young residents of Felthorpe Kennels
And, I've left the best till last, I've just discovered that
the farmer down the road breeds
There is a god.



  1. Wow! Such big changes!! I hope you will be very happy in your new home. Laura

  2. I hope everything goes well with the sale and the settling in to England. Here's to a new chapter in your life!

  3. Wow, Julia!, life is certainly anything but dull for you! I think the greyhounds up the road are a sign that you're doing the right thing-good for you! Maybe the Mariner became 'armless when he was legless? (although i have noticed quite the opposite to be the case). You will have to brush up on a few party pieces for the singalongs-Waltzing Matilda always goes down a treat at our local, I find... just a suggestion ; )
