
Sunday 2 February 2014


The second of February in the Christian calendar marks the
Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation
of the baby Jesus.
It was known to the Celts as Imbolc or St Brighid's day and
the belief was that on this day winter will either end or strengthen.
Why do I have the feeling that this year the latter may hold true.
It's the time of year when farming communities begin thinking about
planting their crops for the year ahead and traditionally
Celtic women would dress the corn dolly made at Lammas
in a bridal gown and put her in a basket in the hope of a bountiful harvest.
Here in France we typically tend to think more of our stomachs than of
anything else and 2nd February, la Chandeleur,
is no exception.  So whisk up the flour with the eggs and milk,
get the pan sizzling hot - it's pancake day!
Well my dears, whatever your calling or persuasion and whichever
way you chose to celebrate this Fete de la Lumiere,
or whether you just simply decide to ignore it - I wish you a good one.
I know what I shall be doing - when in France do as the French.
Sniff out someone with a pan on the stove
 and pull up a chair!

1 comment:

  1. I think I would prefer the pancakes to dragging a groundhog out of its den -- here in the US, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow so we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. Phil looked none too pleased...maybe he'd prefer the pancakes as well!
