
Friday 20 December 2013

Advent - Door Twenty

Courage mes braves, we've not long to go now.
Only another four sleeps (or in the case of most children three and a bit)
and the great day will be here at last.
This all looks very grand, and so it should, because it's the lift (elevator for
my American readers) doors at Fortnum & Masons in London.
It's all frightfully posh, frightfully expensive and todays Advent venue.
Can we have a fanfare of massed sprouts please because
it's time to announce the winners of the Christmas Raffle 2013 so have
your tickets ready.
The prizes as you all know are three beautiful Fortnum's hampers so kindly
donated each year by the Chairman of the Sprout Marketing Board.  (It amazes me
sometimes how I manage to make all this up.)
And the winners are, in no particular order .......
The usual suspects - HMTQ, Charlies wife and the ever lovelly and smiling Kate.
Of course it was rigged.  I wouldn't mind so much if they had actually paid for
a ticket!  Hey ho.  Who knows what tomorrow brings ... well I do actually.

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