
Wednesday 24 July 2013

Why should the Queen have all the fun?

A very good question to which I don't have anything to say by way of a serious answer although Camilla might know.  Remind me to ask her later.  And have you noticed how her maj's dog always seems to win?

However, it did set me thinking and I decided to become "queen for the day" and to create my own list of birthday honours full of "thank you's", "bravo's" and "honourable mentions".  So let's press on and hand out the gongs!  One of these will do, he seems to have plenty.

Here they are then, from one to ten and in no particular order of merit or size of bribe!
1.  A huge bravo and even bigger thank you to Jacqueline and her daily Needleprint blog.  It's no mean feat writing a daily post and the world of needlework is all the richer for it.  If there is anyone, which I doubt, who hasn't already had the pleasure then follow this link immediately.  Wherever can you have been to have missed this crown jewel.

2.  Follow this link as I do each morning whilst savouring my first Earl Grey cup of tea of the day and you will arrive at the blog of John Grey entitled Going Gently but readers of a nervous disposition should watch out for the occasional spot of bad language and a view of life which is uniquely his own.  Here he is with his Welsh terrier Meg - sssh! don't wake them.  Cheers John my life is the richer for your words.

3.  In third spot is the lady, name unknown, at the checkout in Leclerc, Loches who always has a smile and a dress sense all of her own.  Don't ever let anyone tell her that fuscia pink and orange don't quite go with reddish hair!
4.  My neighbour Francoise who is my mother hen.  I think she is probably the only person who would notice if I didn't return home one day, with the exception of Mouche and Geordie of course but they don't know how to telephone for assistance!
5.  Another wondeful French woman, this time the lady at the tax office!  She has the patience of a dozen saints, an unerring eye for detail and a desire to help which goes above and beyond the call of duty.  Merci beaucoup madame!
6.  Not all greyhounds are as lucky as this little princess and huge thanks, bravo's and awards should go to all those unpaid helpers at greyhound charities and rescue centres who give up their time to help these beautiful creatures in distress.  We award you all the Golden Galgo medal with cluster!
7.  Thanks go also to the inventor of the humble fly swat which has rendered me stalwart service these past few fly-ridden days.  Take that!
8.  Thanks and awards should also be heaped upon the beautiful young biker boy who recently blew me a kiss.  A subject upon which I decline to comment further except to say that he made an ageing lady feel alive again, albeit briefly.  A poem might follow at a later date when you're all feeling calm and unshockable!  Good to see my "innuendo" is still in working order.
9.  No, I haven't forgotten her!  Thank you Louise for your energy and enthusiasm, and for taking the time to start up the Open Group on Facebook.  It's called Long Dog Samplers - Designed by Julia Line.  I'm sure she'd be pleased to welcome new visitors and if my ears start burning I'll know that you've signed up and joined in.
10. Last, but by no means least - Catherine, for her leonine courage in the face of possible rejection,  I'm very proud of you!
And thank you all for your birthday wishes - yes, I am having a GOOD one thank you.


  1. Happy Birthday! Is today the day, if yes we share birthdays.

    P.S. The pink, orange and red hair must belong to someone with a good self image.

  2. Happy birthday and may it be filled with joyous samplings!

  3. I am touched
    Many thanks for the big up...
    ( I apologise for any bad language)

  4. I too am touched by your generosity of mentioning me in your top 10! And have to say we now have 30 members in the Group. It is wonderful to share my passion along with others all over the world. xx
