
Monday 3 June 2013

Please tell me I'm not the only one ......

... who gets up at 4am with the burning desire to find something out.  I really should just leave myself a message and get back to it later but that's not how it works.  This morning was no exception and I found myself tapping "Who was Foulk Walwyn" into my search engine (not to be confused with Fulke Walwyn the racehorse trainer).

Apparently old Foulk was around in England in 1623 because his name appeared on the Gloucestershire Visitation for that year.  And then ....... nothing more.  Still never mind, that's not what I wanted to quickly tell you about.

This is what really got me all fired up.  Dear little Cindy Chapman Wasner has taken her Long Dog called Words Alone (probably his racing name) for a walk.  She's added Co Spinhoven borders and the words Brehmhearth and Casper Mountain thus making it unique - HER VERY OWN!  Bravo Cindy, that's what it's all about, that's what makes getting up at 4am worthwhile.  Well done my woman.

Come on the rest of you, don't just sit there, send me something, I'm on the hunt for pictures!


  1. Hopefully will pick up my latest treasures from the framer this weekend, thus being able to send you a couple of more pics.

  2. Dear Julia, So happy to find your blog! I am Cindy and did not do the above! You must give credit to my best friend Kim Brehm who lives on Casper mountain and has been having a wonderful time adding to your masterpieces. She has outdone herself!!!
    We stitch together a lot by long distance and research antique patterns and sometimes throw in a piece of yours. I am so happy you don't mind!! I do some of yours straight from the chart too. By the way Kim has added to about 5 of your big samplers this way! Thanks for your wonderful designs.
