
Monday 31 December 2012

Ring out the old, Ring in the new.

Ok, so here, in no particular order I suppose, is the Chateau Long Dog wish list for 2013.  Please tell me it can't be any worse than 2012 or I may lack the will to go on.

1.  I didn't mean a whale through the roof Geordie, I was wishing for sales to go through the roof and with our low ceilings that shouldn't be too big an ask.  By the way, the new website was sneakily launched on Boxing Day (well I was bored) so click on the link and go and have a gander for yourselves.

2.  If anyone knows of a good dog whisperer with nothing much on at present I could do with his services.  How did I know that Tracey was going to take that the wrong way.  Mind you, the whole family's common as muck so it's only to be expected.

3.  To be offered a starring role in a new thriller called "The Cross Stitch Code" with Sir Sean Connery as the leading man.  He's not bad for 82!  I really do wish.
4.  For a good crop of cherries, the hairy ones just love them.
5.  To wake up one morning to find I'd sprouted hair like this over night.
6.  For an unknown benefactor to send me beautiful gifts through the post.

7.  That was very unkind of you Alice, the wish here is not for a good plastic surgeon but for people who share files or pirate copies of Long Dogs, and indeed all the other designers work, to suddenly look like this so that we can identify them and take action more easily.
8.  This is a good one.  It seems the Vicar of Dibley and I share similar fantasies, it's for Sean Bean to turn up on the door step one day looking for work as head gamekeeper on the Long Dog Estate.  How nice would that be.  Mary-Sue you do know who he is, look here's his photo .....

..... I wish he'd hurry up.
9.  We're starting to get serious now - Mouche, Geordie and I (there's no rats left now to join in), wish you all you wish yourselves and more for 2013.
10.  And finally, on a very personal note, I wish my daughter would get back in touch.
Must just add that sometimes wishes do come true - when I looked just now the hit counter has just topped 2000 and there are now 31 of you mad, delicious fools out there following all this old toffee.
But don't think it's time to rest on your laurels the insatiable need for followers and hits continues over into the new year and beyond.
Now go on, clear off.  Go and finish up the mince pies, write some thank you letters, tidy up the kitchen then follow this link and treat yourself to something for the stash.  I have to keep banging on about it, I've got two hairy critters to feed.  And, yes Camilla, the tiara does look a bit like yours and I left the tacking in deliberately just to see who spotted it! 


  1. As commanded, I paid a visit to your new web site (after tidying the kitchen, of course) and found it very easy to navigate. I admired all your lovely designs and wished I had the $$ to purchase all those that caught my eye. Maybe someday I'll be rich and famous? (I think I'd settle for rich. lol)

    RE: beautiful hair - It's on my wish list, too.

    Here's hoping 2013 is a much better year for you!

  2. My comment for the evening - as it is nearly midnight and time for me to turn back into a mouse is- well two comments - yes, I would adore having hair like that and what are those fascinating tweezers or are the tongs of some sort? Hard to tell the size but I think they must be very small. Therefore tweezers.

    This is me, Deb - at Watermeadows, another of my pseudonyms.
