
Friday 12 October 2012

Come into the garden Maude ...

No - not round the front of the house.

Come round the back away from the constant crush of the paparazzi - it's more private and a girl doesn't always want to be watched when she's doing a spot of riddling!

Strawberries.  Delicious eaten straight from the plant, with sugar or even dipped ever so quickly in chocolate, or so the label assures me.  The variety is "Belle des Jardins" which should fruit copiously from next July until the first frosts of 2013.

Now what did the dishey Monty Don advise (my type of eye-candy - you can find him on Google if you're not yet acquainted).  Did he say cut off all the leaves?  I'm blowed if I can remember so by way of a compromise I've hacked back a few just here and there.  The long wait begins but rest assured the first fruits of next summer will be shared with you visually at the very least.

Whilst we're in the garden cop a look at my little fountain.  The blue tits love to drink there - no sniggering you Americans I can hear you from here.

That just about completes today's little gardening episode.  I shall leave you to contemplate what could quite well turn out to be the last roses of summer whilst I away for an urgent "riddle".

Catch you later.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see your blog. I am terribly sorry about your husband. Remember that each day you get to start anew.

    I have been a long time fan of your work and look forward to your new designs.

    And for those days when it might see bleak:

    Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
    - Rabindranath Tagore
