
Friday 16 November 2018


There, I've done it, I've mentioned the "C" word and
I make no apologies about it either.  In fact I shall go
as far as to mention two - Christmas crosstitch
although there's nothing remotely seasonal about
the two new Long Dog's which are released today.

Firstly let's take a look at KROZWYRD although it's
pretty much self explanatory.  It took me longer
to get all the words I wanted to use to fit together
nicely than I would have believed and I ended up
having to leave a couple out like lurcher and
deerhound as they just wouldn't work no matter how I tried.

There were a couple of others too which I toyed with
but in the end decency prevailed and I abandoned 
them too.  It's 237 x 210 stitches in size and is
priced at £9.50.  Available as a pdf from the website.

The second proud beauty rejoices in the name of
DESCENDING ORDER because the bottom band give
the initials and year of birth of the women in my family
from whom I descend and who descend from me.
Neat title don't you think?  Grandmother Ada Satterthwaite
born 1884, mother Leonie Hendriks born 1913,
me Jools Line born 1947, daughter Lisa Denmar born
1973 and grand daughter Jasmine Webb born 1997.

The size of the sampler is 159 x 346 stitches and
the price is £12.50 available as a pdf from the website now.

There we all are descending away although this can be adapted
to suit just about anything from siblings to family pets and
much else in between.

A thought has just entered my brain - I know I don't post anything
here very often now but does anyone actually read it
when I do?  Who knows ......

Friday 7 September 2018

Something old, something new ......

..... something borrowed all stitched in blue.
Nothing to do with weddings and more of that later.

First of all I'd like to introduce you to a new design for
the autumn.  It answers to the name of SPANGLED,
measures 205 x 277 stitches and is priced at £17.10.

If you'd like to have a pdf copy of your very own

then just shimmy on over to the Long Dog website and there's a copy ready and waiting
with your name on it.

So here's where the something old comes into the equation because
A GOOD TIKE is now also available on the Long Dog website.
It's a design that's been around for many years (something old) which 
was marketed exclusively by a greyhound rescue charity. 
As they no longer do so it's been "borrowed" back
and is certainly blue!

So whether you fancy it as a sampler or a cushion it's called
A GOOD TIKE, measures 222 x 222 stitches and costs £8.50.

Just click on and you'll
fall straight into my waiting arms.

Friday 29 June 2018


If you would valiant be then please do come hither because you've come
to the right place .  We're going on a journey of the mind
in search of "the Truth".

This unique stitching pilgrimage will lead you along a path of
discoveries and pitfalls questing for "self".

There's even a PPP (Pilgrim's Progress Plan) included with the
chart to enable you to document your passage along the way.

Why not rest for a while at Palace Beautiful, whisper to the Spangled Nag
or sample the offerings of Vanity Fair before continuing on past the
Slough of Despond to the Celestial City?

These are just a few of the places you'll visit en route before your pilgrimage
concludes and your completed labours leave you with a joyful heart.

Apologies for the abysmal standard of the pictures my only excuse is that
they were taken through glass and it was impossible to find a point
where there was no reflection to contend with.

The Pilgrim measures 305 stitches x 367 stitches, is priced at £19.50
and is available to purchase from the website as a pdf

But be warned, Frog's Bottom can be a very tricky place for
the novice pilgrim to negotiate. 

Friday 6 April 2018


Something bright and breezy for the spring 
to cheer us all up after this awful winter that's
just, hopefully, gone.

Guess what it's called?


No Alice, I didn't even think about calling it The Cats
Hiding Behind the Trees.

And just to prove that it's real and not a robot here
it is all stitched up and ready to frame on
16# white Aida in Gentle Art Sampler Threads.

It's long and thin and really rather elegant.
The size in stitches is 130 x 298.

And if you're sitting comfortably I'll tell you the price
- £14.40 available as a pdf download on the site now.

See you soon.  Jools

Friday 26 January 2018


You're probably thinking that you've had enough excitement recently
what with the Kollection, Christmas, New Year, cold winter/
hot summer weather (depending where you happen to live on 
Planet Long Dog) and then the Sneek stitch along organised by Sew and So
but you are soooo wrong because .......

..... here's the first of many new Long Dog samplers for 2018.
Take no notice of the date in the picture, I designed this yonks ago.

It's called The Wishing Tree, measures 153 x 225 stitches,
is priced at £12.60 and is available as a pdf download
direct from the website by simply following this link:

Now what you all have to realise is that this is a very powerful
wishing sampler, weave your wants into it's very fibres as you
patiently stitch away and little by little your dreams will come true.
Wield it's intrinsic power with wisdom, frivolity is the waste of a wish.

I will even stick my neck out and go as far as to say that if your wish 
hasn't been fulfilled by early 2053 I will refund your money without quibble
but you'll have to find me first.

You have been warned..

Monday 15 January 2018


It's with much pleasure that I bring you news of the Secret Stitch Along.

Simply go over to 
to discover more for yourself and maybe even sign up?

Welcome to our Long Dog Samplers Stitch Along

Join our exclusive Stitchalong and create this amazing cross stitch sampler designed by Julia Line from Long Dog Samplers. This incredible piece perfectly exemplifies Julia’s remarkable design style and its up to you to choose whether to stitch it all in black or another single colour, or go wild with your own colourful thread choices. This Stitchalong is not for the faint-hearted but this year-long project will make you immensely proud when completed and – if you join our Facebook group – you'll make some new stitching friends too. Julia has named the piece Sneek after a city in the Netherlands which makes it a perfect play on words with the mystery design reveal.

How does it work?

  • You can pre-order your Stitchalong kit now - (Note: Our official launch is on Friday 2nd February 2018 but you can sign up at any time)
  • Your kit containing materials and starter information will be posted out to you prior to the launch date on 2nd February 2018
  • This Stitchalong comprises of 12-digital charts - the first digital chart will be available in your account on Friday 2nd February and thereafter every 4-weeks, with the final digital chart landing in your account on Friday 7th December 2018
  • Join our dedicated Facebook group and share your experience, progress and any other thoughts with other like-minded stitchers

Click here for larger image

Black thread on white Aida (16-count)


Click here for larger image

White thread on black Aida (16-count)


Click here for larger image

Blue thread on white Aida (16-count)

Click here for larger image

White thread on blue Aida (16-count)


Click here for larger image

Red thread on white Aida (16-count)


Click here for larger image

White thread on red Aida (16-count)


Click here for larger image

SewandSo Long Dog Samplers Stitchalong Chart


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