
Saturday 28 January 2017

Hoity Toity

I can finally put you all out of my misery with this colourful new design.
Never before in the whole history of Long Dog have I experienced
such anticipation of a sampler.

"When is it coming out?" you politely asked while some of you took
a more direct stance and simply demanded point blank the release date.


So here it is - HOITY TOITY (or the Two Posh Peacocks as I've
been calling it).  Breathe in it's beauty to your very soul and then
nip off and order a copy pronto.

The bottom border was inspired by the beautiful ceiling paintings at
Ranworth Church which is only a five minute drive away from
the Lock Up.  You couldn't help be inspired by art such as this and I
count myself lucky to live in a county so cram-packed with ancient churches.

This was the little snippet I posted many moons ago that got you
all so fired up to see the finished article.  Has it been worth the wait?

And here are the two naughty boys themselves up on the roof
strutting their stuff.  You wouldn't believe the mess they make.

And in conclusion a very naff photo even by my standards of the
exquisite finished piece.  It measures 197 x 282 stitches,
costs £16.20 for the brace (that's £8.10 per bird) and is available as a pdf
download direct from me by simply emailing
or from all good LNS across the planet in paper form.

So don't forget LSO|
(Look - Salivate - Order)
Off you go.